Money Tree Real Estate Investor Podcast

Nick Tinch - From Years of Experience to Building Legacies and Communities Through Real Estate

William Holland Episode 44

“From Years of Experience to Building Legacies and Communities Through Real Estate”

Nick Tinch is an awesome guy. He is an Author, Real Estate Investor, Christian Business Executive, and Father to 2 Daughters. Go give him a follow on LinkedIn at

Mr. Tinch has taken his two and half decades of experience in real estate, employee relations, professional development training, and financial operations to address market challenges with innovative and viable solutions. Mr. Tinch describes his life as one of three primary passions. “My passions are first is seeing individuals succeed, the second is business education, and the third is buying and owning real estate.

As a trained and licensed CPE hospital, Chaplain. I love and enjoy seeing others win in life and be successful. One of my life's missions is to help and support others to live a life of success in their personal life and business career by building communities and generational wealth. I enjoy creating, designing, and building patents. I am also a United States Patent Inventor. My goal is to add value to our real estate acquisition transactions, our shareholders, our investors, and Equity partnerships.

As a Thought Leader he is result-oriented and focused on improving operations and impacting business growth while maximizing profitability in Real Estate and related ventures.

In this episode we discuss:

✅ Hospital Chaplain/Virginia Tech Real Estate Advisory Board Member
✅ Landscaping Business
✅ Real Estate Journey (Real Estate Contracts)

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