Money Tree Real Estate Investor Podcast

Jim Lee - From a Saver’s Mentality to Leveraging Debt to His Advantage

William Holland Episode 36

“From a Saver’s Mentality to Leveraging Debt to His Advantage”

“I learned basically the importance of having multiple streams of income by talking to real estate investors, agents, property managers and lenders on a daily basis and picking their brains. That's when I decided to pursue real estate and acquire my first 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom condo.”

Jim Lee is a great guy. He is a real estate investor and the founder of Formosa Investing. Go give him a follow on LinkedIn at

Jim received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from UCLA in 2010 and started his career as an inside sales representative for LoopNet/Costar. By being the top sales rep and winning a $50k sales incentive bonus, he used that savings to purchase his first 2 bed/1 bath condo and learn the importance of having multiple streams of income. Now through real estate syndication, he has invested in over 600 units in the past 2 years where he has participated as a general partner/limited partner.

He leverages real estate syndication to help investors achieve financial goals, and generate returns for all looking for a transparent partnership.

Fun Fact: He was born and raised in Taiwan and loves to travel.

In this episode we discuss:

✅ Taiwan and Its Culture
✅ Debt Leverage
✅ Realtors Have Limitations
✅ Backfilling
✅ Mortgage Insurance
✅ Mentorship

Great quotes from the episode include:

“I think that both of us operate and kind of live by the tenants that were discussed within Robert Kiyosaki's book, ‘
Rich Dad Poor Dad’ of utilizing good debts to own, purchase and acquire cash-flowing assets, and it's really life-changing.”

“In this industry, you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.”

“As GPs our mission is to make sure that our investor is as happy as they can be, and to even have the thought of having a capital call which is to raise more capital and dilute the shares, we just don't want to put that pressure on the investor unless it is deemed necessary.”

“I would change my attitude about trying new things because I used to be very close-minded. As I get older, I've learned that it's always better to look on the other side of the coin. To me, there are three sides of the coin, there's the head, tails and the edge. If you can stay on the edge, you'll be learning the most.”

“I'm grateful and thankful for all the friendships and connections I've built throughout the years. Not just domestically, but internationally as well. I have a lot of strong connections where I can just call, and they'll just provide a home, a shelter for me to live. I think that's more important than making money.”

If you are looking to gain financial freedom or want to learn more about investing in real estate, go sign up for our investor list.

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