Money Tree Real Estate Investor Podcast

Christine Bellish - From Advertising Executive to a Successful Licensed Real Estate Professional

William Holland Episode 34

“From Advertising Executive to a Successful Licensed Real Estate Professional”

“If I had to do it over again, I would have partnered with somebody that had more experience than me. I would have been happy to split the cost, split the stress, speed up the timeline and split the profits too. It would have been better to learn from somebody on the job, versus learning the hard way.”

Christine Bellish is a wonderful person. Christine and her husband Danny, are co-founders of The Bellish Team, a real estate investing firm dedicated to helping passive investors preserve and build wealth through strategic real estate acquisitions. Go give her a follow on LinkedIn at

As former NYC advertising executives, they spent 15 years managing multi-million dollar marketing budgets for some of Fortune 500’s most recognizable brands, but decided to pivot into real estate in 2018 in pursuit of more passive income. In 2021, in their first eight months as general partners, they raised $3M in private capital from passive investors. Today they are principals for a net lease fund, general partners for 696 units, and equity partners for 1,111 units total across six states (NJ, OH, TX, WV, AR, PA).

Fun Fact: Christine likes: Beaches, working out, live music, dogs, pizza, design, dressing up, making people laugh, Bravo, Tito’s with two limes

In this episode we discuss:

✅ The BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) Method
✅ Getting the Right People On Your Team
✅ Syndication: A Cheat Code?
✅ Trust The Experts
✅ Why You Should Educate Yourself In Real Estate Syndication
✅ Are Financial Advisors Against Investing Passively In Real Estate?
✅ Real Estate Investing Opportunities
✅ Selling Away

Great quotes from the episode include:

“Even though rental income is considered passive income, I think a lot of people who own properties and manage them themselves can attest to the fact that not everything is that passive.”

“I would say for people who are trying to get involved in their first project if there's rehab involved, to definitely try to get involved in something that's more cosmetic versus basically rebuilding an entire house from scratch.”

“Syndication felt like a cheat code to me because it just seemed like it was a way to level up quicker in the real estate industry.”

“I am trusting an experienced real estate investor who has a track record of success, who has thousands of investors who has raised millions and millions of dollars for over a decade.”

“I want people to work with me who feel comfortable, who trust me, who get along with me and that might not be everybody and that's OK.”

“I just get joy and happiness out of helping to educate people and open their minds to the value and option of earning passive income through real estate syndication.”

If you are looking to gain financial freedom or want to learn more about investing in real estate, go sign up for our investor list.

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